Friday, September 10, 2010

QR lever added to prototype decaleur

Something I've been wanting to do for a long time, I finally got a quick-release cam lever to replace the nut and bolt I was previously using to fasten my decaleur to the headset-mounted cable hanger. This means I can rapidly get the bag on and off the bike without any tools, and the QR cam should be more secure than the nut and bolt was.

Here's a link to the original decaleur solution, which shows off how the decaleur works a bit more clearly. Below are some snapshots of the QR. I sawed a notch into the cable hanger so that the M5-threaded bolt can get into and out of the hanger, just like an axle into a dropout.

The snapshots:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Acorn Boxy Bag mini pump hack

I hacked my Acorn Boxy Bag, or more specifically the corrugated plastic stiffener I added (which was described in an earlier post here), to support my mini pump. Until now, I had kept the mini pump loose in the main section of the bag, because it's too long to fit in the front pocket where I keep all my tools and spares. Having the pump loose in the main compartment was inelegant, so I added a couple of grommeted holes to the stiffener with two loops of elastic shock cord to hold the pump above the front pocket below the flap. The pictures will explain it.

This is pretty rudimentary stuff, but I thought I would share it here because seeing it might give any readers out there some ideas for similar hacks to suit their own needs.

If I were really enterprising, I would sew something that attached the other contents of the front pocket (spare tube, VAR tire iron/bead jack, Alien multitool, peanut butter wrench, and patch kit) to the stiffener, so that I could pull out and replace the whole kit at once.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tarik Saleh Reports on the New Cycle Truck

Mad scientist and bicycle-human Tarik Saleh was in town to eat tacos (and other reasons) a couple weeks ago and took the New Cycle Truck for a test ride, something we'd been discussing for about two years before it finally happened. I enjoyed his review of the bike and his ruminations on tacos. It's on his Moscaline blog:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Small front rack action shot

Garrett reminded me that there was an awesome action shot from when I went mountain-testing the Small Bag Rack with the Acorn Boxy Bag on it. This image was shot by Esteban (Protorio) on the Rivendell Riders group ride in September 2009:

See Flickr for the full-size and the rest of Esteban's photostream:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Saddlebag Support for Mitch

Our new friend Mitch, of Nine Mile Images, in Syracuse requested a saddlebag support like the one we made for my Panasonic. I adjusted the design to suit the smaller frame size.

Here are pictures taken by Mitch of the rack installed:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cycle Truck Adapted from BMX Bike in Haiti

I received a very nice email this morning from Ben, who is working for a relief and development organization in Haiti and promoting the adaptation of cargo bikes on the side. He built a surprisingly elegant cycle truck by converting a BMX bike. Pictures and a description of his process appear on Instructables:
