Monday, April 12, 2010

Tarik Saleh Reports on the New Cycle Truck

Mad scientist and bicycle-human Tarik Saleh was in town to eat tacos (and other reasons) a couple weeks ago and took the New Cycle Truck for a test ride, something we'd been discussing for about two years before it finally happened. I enjoyed his review of the bike and his ruminations on tacos. It's on his Moscaline blog:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Small front rack action shot

Garrett reminded me that there was an awesome action shot from when I went mountain-testing the Small Bag Rack with the Acorn Boxy Bag on it. This image was shot by Esteban (Protorio) on the Rivendell Riders group ride in September 2009:

See Flickr for the full-size and the rest of Esteban's photostream:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Saddlebag Support for Mitch

Our new friend Mitch, of Nine Mile Images, in Syracuse requested a saddlebag support like the one we made for my Panasonic. I adjusted the design to suit the smaller frame size.

Here are pictures taken by Mitch of the rack installed: